
A new community for like-minded shippers to immediately address carbon emissions in the supply chain

Greenabl is a collective of shippers committed to carbon-neutral ocean shipping through measuring and offsetting their supply chain CO2 emissions

The challenge

The path to logistics decarbonization cannot wait for, or rely solely on, the actions of ocean carriers. Everyone has a part to play.

Collectively, we can only manage what we can measure. For shippers, that means taking immediate actions to measure, mitigate, and offset their direct and indirect CO2 emissions.

Enter, greenabl

Greenabl is purpose-built to help importers and exporters advance their supply chain decarbonization goals

In-transit statistics Carrier statistics Expense statistics Lane statistics Options: Last 6 month Shipment statistics Dashboards Member Member notices Rate search Bookings Shipments Payments

A single point of truth

A 360-degree technology platform to measure, mitigate, and offset CO2 emissions from ocean shipping

In-transit statistics Carrier statistics Expense statistics Lane statistics Options: Last 6 month Shipment statistics Dashboards Member Member notices Rate search Bookings Shipments Payments Shipments Payments Carbon emmsions Direct Indirect

Measurement you can trust

Transparent and data-driven methodologies for measuring carbon emissions–both direct and indirect

In-transit statistics Carrier statistics Expense statistics Lane statistics Options: Last 6 month Shipment statistics Dashboards Member Member notices Rate search Bookings Shipments Payments New Y ork, NY Long Beach, CA FEUs by destination In-transit statistics Carrier statistics Expense statistics Lane statistics Options: Last 6 month Shipment statistics Dashboards Member Member notices Rate search Bookings Shipments Payments Carbon emmsions Direct Indirect

The power of teams

Leveraging a proven cooperative procurement approach with a demand aggregation platform and procurement exchange

the value of greenabl

A shared purpose and a single focus is powerful

Create a competitive advantage for eco-conscious brands and customers

Prepare for upcoming SEC and governmental regulatory changes

Send a clear signal to transport providers that you’re committed to joining them on the decarbonization journey

Get in touch

Complete this form to contact us or email us at