about greenabl

Greenabl enables importers and exporters to advance their decarbonization efforts

In-transit statistics Carrier statistics Expense statistics Lane statistics Options: Last 6 month Shipment statistics Dashboards Member Member notices Rate search Bookings Shipments Payments

A single point of truth

A 360-degree technology platform to measure, mitigate, and offset CO2 emissions from ocean shipping

In-transit statistics Carrier statistics Expense statistics Lane statistics Options: Last 6 month Shipment statistics Dashboards Member Member notices Rate search Bookings Shipments Payments Shipments Payments Carbon emmsions Direct Indirect

Measurement you can trust

Transparent and data-driven methodologies for measuring carbon emissions–both direct and indirect

In-transit statistics Carrier statistics Expense statistics Lane statistics Options: Last 6 month Shipment statistics Dashboards Member Member notices Rate search Bookings Shipments Payments New Y ork, NY Long Beach, CA FEUs by destination In-transit statistics Carrier statistics Expense statistics Lane statistics Options: Last 6 month Shipment statistics Dashboards Member Member notices Rate search Bookings Shipments Payments Carbon emmsions Direct Indirect

The power of teams

Leveraging a proven cooperative procurement approach with a demand aggregation platform and procurement exchange


The start of any journey is the hardest. Greenabl makes the first step toward logistics decarbonization easy.

Multiple membership options ensure everyone can play their part.


Ocean Carriers




Greenabl is an association driven by action. To learn more about our membership options, get in touch.
Faster, cost-effective & less risk

Greenabl is the U.S. branch of the Europe-based Lean & Green

The Lean & Green Program provides companies with verified recognition for achieving CO2e-reduction targets in their logistical operation. Companies start their CO2e Action Plan based on Lean & Green’s 5-Star Framework with annual monitoring of CO2e emissions and projects for continuous improvement.